
Min Yap
About Me:
I’m Min, originally from Singapore, now working on better understand the bacteria that spoils our foods or makes us ill when we consume contaminated foods. I love going on walks, runs, cooking/baking and watching sports.
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I’m from Singapore (a tiny island country/city/state in Southeast Asia), where there are no seasons. I’ve had the opportunity to live in Australia for a few years where I got my degree in Food Science. I love food and have always been interested in researching it (and eating it!). But only after working at a research institute in Singapore I realized how there’s still so much that can be done (in terms of scientific research) to make sure the food we eat is safe to eat and of good quality.
Outside of science, I love travelling, walking/hiking, taking film photos, exploring cities, trying new food/recipes, watching plays and reading.
typical housing in Singapore
film photo of travels
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I study bacteria in good and how they adapt to environments/stresses that make our foods unsafe to eat.
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There are different types of bacteria that can be present in food – good bacteria that are beneficial for health and bad bacteria that can make you sick. Both good and bad bacteria can exist together along the food production chain and my research hopes to understand where these bacteria come from and how they interact which each other.
I’m currently working on a project that looks at how different strains of the same bacteria spoil leafy greens.
My Typical Day:
I get into work at around 9am, go through emails or news to start my brain going while sipping some coffee/tea. If I have lab work to do, I plan it out, before going into the lab, to make sure I know exactly what I have to do. If there’s no lab work to be done, I’ll be on the computer, either making graphs, running statistics or analysis on results from experiments. There’s also lunch time which is a good time to take a break with colleagues, where we usually do the daily nyt games, before going back to more research.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would use the money to create a model or interactive game to show that bacteria can come from many sources (humans, environment, food, water). This will help illustrate that everyone plays a part in food safety.
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The model or interactive game will show the different stages of food production from the farm to production, to market, to the home kitchen and will highlight the areas where bacteria can come from. If it is a game, it can be brought to schools and engagement days on an ipad for children to play with. If a model, it would be useful to explain sources of contamination, cross-contamination and how safe food handling and good hygiene can possibly prevent one from getting sick.
University College Cork (Ireland),
Curtin University (Australia),
Temasek Polytechnic (Singapore) -
PhD (Science)
BSc (Hons) Food Science -
Work History:
Research Officer in a government research institute, Quality Assistant in a Chocolate Factory, Clinical assistant at GP
Current Job:
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Determined, curious & calm
What was your favourite subject at school?
Home Economics
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to own a hotel once, before I got into science.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, maybe for being late once or twice.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
it changes all the time, but recently Silk Sonic & Benson Boone
What's your favourite food?
Hokkien Mee (a Singaporean fried noodle dish) but also anything with an egg on it.
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I went on a roadtrip with friends along the Pacific Northwest coast of the US, hiking and exploring. It was such a good summer.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) For more time to spend with family and friends, 2) for wisdom and strength to keep going at work and 3) health and joy for my loved ones