“Today’s chat was fantastic. The class were so enthusiastic and full of excitement after the chat finished. I’ve had one child decide that he wants to be a physiologist and another who has decided that a career is science is their way forward.”
Teacher, 2021
"This is a brilliant opportunity to ask a range of scientists about their careers as well as developing their knowledge of science! ”
Teacher, 2021
"The pupils loved it, have asked to do it again as well. What fascinated them the most was that the scientists were not necessarily the most academic at school but yet still became a scientist and so opens it up to anyone who is invested."
Rachel Causey, Caroline Chisholm School, 2022
“When students are engaged and start to see the real life impact of a subject, they’re more enthusiastic about it – I noticed an increased motivation to learn following I’m a Scientist.”
Emily Tulloch, Science teacher
"Students were enthused in different ways. We have a little book area in the corner of the room and it largely goes unnoticed. A student popped by during her free to look through a child psychology book on the shelves. This has definitely had the type of impact I was hoping for."
Teacher, 2021
"The students felt part of the wider community by being able to converse with people who do not know about their disabilities and therefore are not pre judged. All of them want to say how much they really enjoyed being able to engage at their level."
Teacher, 2021
"When you bring scientists into the classroom, it’s good but you don’t have 100% engagement. [I'm a Scientist] takes that away: everybody’s got questions to ask.”
Teacher, 2021
"Conversation ranged from professional to simple questions , they were answered with sensitivity and engaged pupils as they were able to converse on their level."
Teacher, 2021
➕ Benefits for your class
Science becomes more relatable
By taking part in I’m a Scientist students can:
- See real-life examples and applications of science
- Learn about the transferability of science and science qualifications
- See scientists as normal people (not ‘elite geniuses’) with hobbies, interests, pets, and families
Supporting students’ science capital
Science capital is a measure of a person’s personal relationship with science. It relates to how much they see the subject as ‘for them’.
I’m a Scientist supports the science capital teaching approach:
- Students become more aware of the diversity of, nature of, and routes into STEM jobs
- We challenge the misconceptions that a job in science is all-consuming and based in a lab
- Here’s how I’m a Scientist boosts students’ science capital
Students discover new careers
- Students connect with scientists from a diverse range of backgrounds, disciplines, and industries
- They hear about new STEM careers and opportunities in Higher Education
- I’m a Scientist supports 7 of the 8 Gatsby Careers Benchmarks

Every student is equal
- Text-based live Chats mean that all students have an equal chance of being answered:
- “It helps [to see] students in a different light. Some who are normally very quiet in school became very active in the chat.” – Teacher
- Students gain confidence through asking questions.
More about the advantages of text-based interactions
Accessible to every school
- Schools within 15 minutes’ drive of a university are twice as likely to receive a visit from a university scientist than those 30 minutes or more away
- I’m a Scientist is online, so you can access it from anywhere.
- More about how distance matters
- More about our commitment to underserved and widening participation schools
🎓 Benefits for teachers
It’s backed by research:
- I’m a Scientist supports the Science Capital Teaching Approach
- Taking part supports students’ science capital
- It’s secure, safe and you’re in control: Only students who’ve been given access by their teacher can login to the Chat.
- No personal details are shared on the site, and student content is moderated. Read our safeguarding statement ❯
- You get to see which students have logged in and what questions they’ve asked.
- You can download transcripts of live Chats
Everything’s designed for easy, online access:
- Signing up is quick and easy
- Students can log in at any time to read scientists’ profiles and send questions in Ask
- Students create their own username using a link you create. This will take them around 10 minutes; send it to them the day before your chat, or earlier
- You book chats for times that suit you and your students
It’s free for state-maintained schools:
- Places are fully funded for state-maintained schools
- That means that most schools don’t have to pay
- Non-state-maintained schools may be asked to pay a fee to take part.
Find out more ❯
Teachers: Sign up to take part ❯
Find out more:
Teachers homepage ❯
Student safeguarding and privacy ❯
Questions? Contact support@imascientist.ie